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9:00 am
Burgoyne Surrounded Quilt, Huntington Beach, 2 Sessions, $
Make this beautiful two color quilt in just two days! This traditional pattern is usually found in red and white or blue and white but is stunning in any color combination - you're the designer! The geometric pattern is easier to create than it looks, but it will still impress! Prerequisite: Basic sewing skills and [...]
Find out more »10:00 am
Kawandi Style Quilting, Brea, 1 Sessions, $
Come learn this age old African style of quilting created with leftover fabric scraps! This technique is used in India as well and it truly is addicting! We all have scraps - use them to learn this new technique and create a beautiful table topper! Michele brings this art form into the modern era by [...]
Find out more »5:00 pm
Rock & Sew! Brea, 1 Session, $
Join us at this fun sewing get together for an evening of sewing with friends! You bring your own projects, your own machines and laugh and sew with other enthusiasts with music as a backdrop. Sew a little, sew a lot, chat and meet new friends. Whether you're hand sewing, quilting, stitching out some machine [...]
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